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Case Study: Overcoming Post-Fusion Pain With Chiropractic Care & More

man and spine modelIf you’re still experiencing pain after getting fusion surgery, you’re definitely not alone. One of our patients, John, a 38-year-old male, came to Oak Creek Relief & Wellness for help with his persistent neck and arm pain. Despite undergoing a one-level neck fusion surgery, he continued to experience symptoms similar to those before his surgery. Initially, his healthcare providers recommended physical therapy, but the intense pain prevented him from finding relief.

Feeling somewhat directed toward surgery without exploring other options, John underwent the fusion but found himself still struggling with pain.

Comprehensive Chiropractic Evaluation

John sought help at our practice, hoping for a different approach. Dr. Scott explained to him that while the fusion itself couldn’t be adjusted, there were other ways to alleviate his symptoms. “We can’t adjust the actual fusion, but we can work around it with some of the therapies we have, along with adjustments,” said Dr. Scott. This approach focused on relieving the radiculopathy in John’s arm and the ongoing neck pain through a combination of treatments.

Tailored Treatment Plan

Dr. Scott put together a personalized treatment plan for John, which included the following:

  • Spinal Adjustments: Targeted adjustments above and below the fusion site helped alleviate pressure and improve spinal alignment.
  • Passive Therapies: Electric muscle stimulation was used to relax muscles and reduce pain.
  • Spinal Decompression: Adjusted with careful consideration to avoid the fusion site, this therapy helped relieve pressure on spinal nerves.

Significant Improvement in Pain and Mobility

Over approximately five weeks or so, John’s condition improved significantly. His radiculopathy pain decreased dramatically, going from 39% down to 19%. John even reported that, at times, he didn’t feel any pain at all. Similarly, his neck pain score dropped from 30% to 20%.

Put Pain Behind You, Starting Today

If you or a loved one are struggling with pain, contact us today to book an appointment. We want to help you live a life without discomfort.

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