Oak Creek Relief & Wellness Events

The doctors at Oak Creek Relief & Wellness have talked to numerous people on such health topics as Chiropractic, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Food Allergies and many other interesting health-related topics.
Please see the list below for some of our most requested lecture topics.
If you are interested in setting up a lecture for your business or group, call us today!
General Topics
- Food Intolerance: Hidden Food Allergies
- Gluten Intolerance
- Weight Loss
- 10 Keys to Longevity
- Balancing Hormones Naturally
- Fibromyalgia: A Holistic Approach
- Nutritional Foundation
- Shoulder
- ADHD: Drug-Free Approach
- Golf Injury
- Digestive Problems: Natural Solutions
- Nutritional Adjustment
- Chiropractic and Trigger Point Therapy
- Pediatrics Class
- Health and Stress Workshop
- Healthy Kids the Natural Way
Corporate Outreach
- Strength at Work
- Whiplash: the Epidemic
Medical Doctors
- Chiropractic Review of Literature