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Six Patterns of Hypothyroidism

Older woman smiling on sofaThis is the way most Medical Doctors view hypothyroidism. It is a valid way to treat Primary Hypothyroidism which is the first of six common patterns of hypothyroidism and is caused by a thyroid gland that does not create enough thyroid hormones.

In this pattern, decreased thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) in the blood stimulates the hypothalamus which stimulates the pituitary gland to release thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH stimulates an enzyme in the thyroid gland called Thyroid Peroxidase to use iodine to create more T3/T4 which is realeased into the blood. The increase in T3/T4 stop the hypothalamus which stops the pituitary from releasing TSH which stops the production of T3/T4.

In Primary Hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland does not produce enough T3/T4 which means there is chronically low amounts of the hormones circulating in the blood. This causes the hypothalamus to continually send signals to the pituitary which is continually releasing larger and larger amounts of TSH.

Patients with blood test results that show high levels of TSH are prescribed synthetic thyroid hormones to increase the amounts of circulating thyroid hormones and shut down the stimulation of the hypothalamus/pituitary. This decreases the amount of TSH and “normalizes” your blood tests.

But this is only a small part of the “whole body” picture.

Oak Creek Relief & Wellness Looks at the Whole Picture

Pattern 1: Thyroid Metabolism

Pattern 2: Hypothyroidism Secondary to Pituitary Hypofunction Pattern 3: Under-Conversion
Pattern 4: Over Conversion

Pattern 5: Thyroid Binding Globulin Elevation Pattern 6: Thyroid Resistance

Schedule an Appointment

Contact Oak Creek Relief & Wellness today to set up a consultation for hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease.


Six Patterns of Hypothyroidism | (414) 761-5777